Monday, December 5, 2016

The Bracelet

Gifts are my love-language. I like to give them and receive them. Especially unexpected ones. Surprises. You know, the good kind.

Today I received a gift basket filled with small gifts. Some wrapped and some not. This was no generic gift basket. This was a gift basket lovingly filled by the hands of women from my church. Every year they prepare lovely gift baskets for those who are shut-in or evidently for those going through difficult times. I'm not really sure why I received one, but today was like Christmas for me as I pulled out each surprise. Homemade cookies in a pretty glass jar, assorted candy, oatmeal/coconut soap, beautiful hand-made cards in a lovely folder that matches, a key with the words "courage" and "strength" on each side, some toiletries and The Bracelet.

When I opened the small blue box and discovered The Bracelet, I knew who had put it there and two memories flashed across my mind. 

The first memory goes back to August of 2014. Mike was still at home with me at that time and we were sitting in church on the first Sunday of the month. He was having a good day and our Pastor asked Mike and I to help with communion. This was a big deal for Mike to be able to assist in this way and when we returned to our seat, tears were running down his cheek. When the service was over, one of our sweet members with tears in her eyes removed a bracelet from her arm and gave it to me. It said "With God, All Things Are Possible". I wore the bracelet for probably a year or so.

The second memory is also on a Sunday. During the preceding months, this same sweet woman and her husband were experiencing difficulties of their own. Sensing that she needed a word of encouragement, I handed the bracelet back to her. It is not a good luck charm or talisman. It is a visible reminder of God's word which gives hope and encouragement. A reminder to turn our thoughts away from the pain and sadness and think of God and His promises.

Luke 1:37 (ESV)
For nothing will be impossible with God.

So today when I opened the blue box and saw The Bracelet, I had to smile. I slipped it onto my wrist and cherish the promise that I read there. God is not confined by what I see and know. He sees vastly more than I can ever imagine and His power is limitless. Where I see impossible, He sees possible. I like His view much better. Plus the act of receiving and giving hope in the form of His message on a bracelet tells me I am not alone here either. 

Where have you seen God do the impossible? I'd love to hear your story.