Meet Jennifer

Hi! Welcome to my blog. Here's a bit about me. I am detailed and usually organized, sometimes a perfectionist, except when it comes to flowers. Digging in the dirt and growing flowers is my therapy. I like a wide variety and a riot of colors. I like the feel of sunshine on my back and a warm breeze in my face. I enjoy baking brownies, cookies, and banana bread. Music is my other therapy and I like a variety: instrumental guitar, piano, & Celtic; folk songs, old hymns, & contemporary Christian (especially Newsboys, Plumb, I Am They, Selah & more); plus oldies like James Taylor and Arlo Guthrie.  I enjoy reading true stories, inspirational books, and occasionally escaping into the world of fantasy. I’m an avid photographer….with my smart phone. I enjoy helping others, have an easy-going, yet persistent nature, and prefer working “behind the scenes”. I love my family. I am a daughter, wife, mom, grammy, and caregiver. Most of all, I love Jesus Christ and the Word of God. I still have a long way to grow, but my main desire is to proclaim Christ and glorify Him. I pray that His reflection is what others see in me. 

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