Thursday, August 18, 2016

A Young Gentleman

Happy cats.
“Would you like me to put that cat food in your car?” said the kind young man. “That would be wonderful!" I replied. Then just like that he had the 30 lb. bag in the back of my car. I was very grateful. “Thank you so much! You’ve done a Good Samaritan deed today.” I said enthusiastically. The young man smiled a bit shyly, yet looked pleased that he had been helpful.  I continued to unload my grocery cart while I smiled and marveled at the gentlemanly act.

In today’s world, it takes courage to offer help. It’s sad to say that, but it really does. A woman might be offended that a man thinks she can’t handle the bag; someone else may be threatened by a stranger invading their personal space and may think they have ulterior motives. I, on the other hand, was thrilled.  I was tired from working in the vegetable and flower gardens, my back ached, and I really didn’t want to wrestle with that bag. Maybe my tiredness showed, or maybe he’s had a good example and training at home, or simply enjoys looking for ways to help others. Whatever the reason, he truly gave me an unexpected and pleasant gift. I believe we both drove away with a bit more joy than we had previously. I know I did.

I John 3:11, 17-18
"For this is the message that you have heard from
the beginning, that we should love one another. 
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need,
yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him?
Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."

Tip: We can actually rob someone else of joy if we don't allow them to assist us.

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