Sunday, June 23, 2019

My Cousin

My cousin and I grew up less than a mile from each other. He's a bit younger and I don't remember doing much together when we were young except when we had family gatherings or such. We were often at one or the other's house with our parents and I do remember enjoying the big sliding board at his house with him and his brother.

Running for Mike!  Thanks, Todd!We still don't do much together and we now live about 180 miles apart; however, he has been such a support to me since Mike's accident. He would text me or call me to let me know he was thinking of me and ask if he could help in any way, plus he did a run in Mike's honor. When Mike was in a facility near his home, he offered me a place to stay, but his girlfriend lived closer to the facility and she invited me, a total stranger, to stay with her. We quickly became friends and now this lovely lady is his wife. Todd & Silvia are indeed a precious couple. I had the privilege of sharing in their very special day and meeting Silvia's family and children for the first time. I fell in love with the whole bunch!

Todd & Silvia have invited me to come and visit on several occasions and not long ago they moved. A couple of weekends ago, my friend, Margaret, and I drove to a wedding together which was 30 minutes from their home, so I seized the opportunity to stay with them, see their new home and catch up on their lives. There's nothing better than a face to face visit.

As we approached the church for the wedding, my car started making a strange grinding noise every time I put on the brakes. Uh oh. Then a metal on metal screeching started. Double uh oh. Sounds like the brakes. After the wedding, Todd drove the car to the reception and tried to find a place open on Sunday to take a look. An appointment was made for 9 a.m. We had a good time catching up at the reception then Silvia and Margaret took Todd's  truck while Todd drove my car home. It didn't make a noise until we were almost at his house. 

Silvia had to work Sunday, but Todd fixed us a nice breakfast and then off to the shop we went only to find out their technician didn't come in. Todd didn't hesitate to offer his truck so we could be on our way and he would take my car to a shop he trusted on Monday.  Margaret and I packed up and headed out in his nice red truck. By Monday afternoon, I received a call that my car was fixed and on Thursday Todd's Dad picked up the truck and met him halfway to exchange vehicles. By Thursday night I was back on the road with good ole Hank, my Honda CR-V.

What a blessing Todd has been to me. He took right over and handled everything with my car and gave me great peace of mind. He and Silvia have a special way of making people feel at home, loved and cared for and never once have I felt like a burden to them, yet they have given over and over and over again to me. 

Todd and Silvia, y'all are bright spots wherever you go. I love you!

Philippians 1:3
I thank my God every time I remember you.