Friday, April 26, 2019


People are so important. Moving from place to place can cause anxiety, but as soon as you get to know people any place can become home. I have moved several times in my adult life which has afforded me the pleasure of getting to know people from various places. As time has moved on, I have lost touch with former friends, neighbors, students, or co-workers. Within the last year or so, God has blessed me, by bringing some of these wonderful people back into my life. Some found me and others I found. Since I didn't ask permission, I'll leave off names.

My former boss, from my days in Richmond, has commented on posts which brought back memories of Mike and I taking care of his children one weekend so that he and his wife could get away. Young married days, carefree times.

Several are folks from our missionary days. One was going through a painful time of illness with a loved one and we shared the bond that pain brings. The other called, after we had reconnected, and hearing her voice and laugh brought back a flood of memories and much joy. A former student - one whom Mike worked closely with and enjoyed mentoring messaged me one night and then called later. It was precious to hear memories of Mike from his former student's perspective and meant a lot to me that he had taken the time to reach out and encourage me in that way. Another has emailed me and been my #1 encourager to get a book written about our TBI journey.

Recently I've talked with and visited friends in Ohio. G and I took a long walk and I was able to catch up on her life and see where she works. Then I spent an hour visiting with our former neighbor, J. How great it was to give them a hug and hear them laugh! I  had missed those laughs, walks, and talking about flowers. Another had moved out west, but thankfully she found my email address. Emails and phone calls bridge the space well.

I had lost touch with one of our sons' closest friends from NC and found him on FB. How glad I was to see he is well and happy. He was like one of my own!

Most recently, I was able to hug the folks that introduced me to R.C. Sproul and his ministry of strong Biblical teaching while we all attended the Ligonier Conference in Florida. These people are special to me in many ways. C was our Sunday school teacher and he and his wife housed many family members after Mike's accident for weeks and weeks. R gave me the book The Holiness of God by R.C. Sproul and was the first one to arrive at the hospital on the night of Mike's accident. Not only that, but he stayed the entire time and followed me home at 1:00 AM to make sure I got in safely. He and Mike enjoyed getting lively conversations going in Sunday School which kept C on his toes!

As you can see, all of these people are wonderful gifts. They were when we lived near them and still are when we are far away. Genuine, caring, wonderful people to the core and I treasure their friendships. We may not message or talk or see each other very often, but that's OK, they are true friends nonetheless and the separation made the coming back together even sweeter.

Don't take for granted those people in your life and if you have lost touch with someone, look them up. It's easier now than ever with the internet and social media. You won't regret it, I'm sure, and like me, will find that these reunions bring immense joy.

 Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one, because they have 
a good return for their work; If one falls down, 
his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!

Tip: Be a friend and treasure the friendships you have.